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The Raindrop® Near Vision Inlay Post-Clinical Trial

Kevin O’Brien, a certified ophthalmic technician at Fichte Endl & Elmer Eyecare, shares new information about the Raindrop® Near Vision Inlay post-clinical trial on WGRZ-TV. Although the Raindrop® procedure is already FDA approved, this post-clinical trial will follow patients for two years, further proving its success.

Raindrop Post Clinical Trial Video

Fichte Endl & Elmer started performing the Raindrop® procedure in October 2016 and was the first to offer this procedure in the Northeast. “This technology has really changed a lot of people’s lives,” Kevin O’Brien says.

The Raindrop® procedure is a ten-minute outpatient laser procedure that is performed on the non-dominate eye. The inlay is placed behind the corneal layer, changing the profile of the cornea, bringing back near vision abilities. Kevin says, “It’s freedom, it’s so liberating to not to be searching for eyeglasses, that’s the best part.”

The Post-Clinical Trial

“We have always used the material Mitomycin C, an anti-cancer drug used on the cornea during surface treatments for PRK or laser treatments,” Kevin says.  “Now there are doctors around the country using this same material with the Raindrop®.” With this trial, we want to see the results of this material in conjunction with the Raindrop® procedure.

Patients that sign up for the trial get a reduced fee, saving $500 off their procedure. Also, with all our procedures we encourage patients to use Care Credit, which offers 0% financing for up to two years. The only requirement from the patient is that they must be able to commit to a two-year plan with regular follow-up appointments and our recommended eye drop regimen.

NOTICE:  As of January 30, 2018, Revision Optics, the manufacturer of the Raindrop® Near Vision Inlay, will no longer be in business and will not be distributing the inlay. Fichte Endl & Elmer Eyecare encourages you to review our other services and procedures to see if there is another solution available to fit your needs.


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