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Fichte Endl & Elmer Eyecar helps to find a cure for Autism at “Chrisfest 9”

jxcuy5jzt8t-iSaturday August 31 2013 Fichte Endl & Elmer took part in Chrisfest 9. This annual event has become a mainstay in Niagara Falls and features 12 hours of free live music for only $10 per person.  Not only did Fichte Endl & Elmer serve as a corporate sponsor, they gave all who attended a certificate for $100.00 off a a LASIK procedure. This event was held at Honey’s in Niagara Falls new york and a portion of the proceeds went to help find a cure for Autism. We feel it is important to give back to our community and take pride in participating in charity events such as this.

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