This is a guide to help you determine if your patient is a good laser vision correction candidate. Call our refractive surgery department if you have a patient who falls out of these guidelines. Occasionally they still may be a candidate.
Highest myope we can treat is -11.00
Highest hyperope we can treat is +6.00
Maximum astigmatism we can treat is -6.00
The EVO Visian ICL lens is intended to correct/reduce nearsightedness between -3.0 D up to -20.0 D and treat astigmatism from 1.0 D to 4.0 D.
Refractive Lens Exchange (RLE) – This is a posterior Inter-ocular lens implant ( IOL)
Could be offered when patients fall out of the above guidelines. Usually used for hyperopes and high myopes. This procedure is done in an operating room under anesthesia. One eye is done at a time usually 1-2 weeks apart.